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Project Management Masterclass
Module 1: Introduction
Module 1-1: Meet Chris (7:20)
Module 1-2: Course Overview (10:38)
Module 2: Being a Project Manager
Module 2-1: What is a PM? (21:56)
Module 2-2: Getting Ready (12:13)
Module 3: Mastering Communication
Module 3-1: Intro to Project Communication (19:53)
Module 3-2: Stakeholder Management (19:34)
Module 3-3: Communication Planning (23:16)
Module 3-4: Team Communication (16:49)
Module 3-5: Governance and Project Charters (16:36)
Module 3-6: Meeting Rules of Engagement (6:14)
Module 3-7: Managing Conflict (7:31)
Module 4: Planning and its Discontents
Module 4-1: Intro into Planning (38:27)
Module 4-2: Breaking Down the Work (22:54)
Module 4-3: Introducing the Dependency Structure Matrix (13:54)
Module 4-4: Building a DSM (34:12)
Module 5: "It's Dangerous to Go Alone!" Managing Project Risk
Module 5-1: Understanding Risk (21:13)
Module 5-2: Identifying Project Risk (20:09)
Module 5-3: Analyzing Risks (15:16)
Module 5-4: Mitigating and Controlling Risks (26:16)
Module 6: Pulling Your Plan Together
Module 6-1: The Challenge of Estimation (27:52)
Module 6-2: Reality-Based Time and Budget (22:41)
Module 6-3: Using Your Plan (21:22)
Module 7: The Job is LEADERSHIP
Module 7-1: A Brief Introduction (12:26)
Module 7-2: Leadership Without Authority
Module 7-3: Understanding Leadership Style
Module 7-4: Practical Leadership
Module 8: Governance: Managing the People Who Manage You
Module 8 Overview (8:47)
Module 8-1: Intro to Project Governance
Module 8-2: Formal Project Governance
Module 8-3: Informal Project Governance
Module 9: Managing the Project that is You
Module 9-1: Intro in Managing Yourself (9:05)
Module 9-2: Knowing Yourself
Module 9-3: Becoming a Leader
Module 9-4: Leadership Shorts
Module 10: Field Trip to the School of Hard Knocks (Tips and Tricks)
Module 10-1: Field Trip! (4:47)
Module 10-2: Your New Best Friend, the Product Manager
Module 10-3: Learn to Breathe
Module 10-4: Celebrate Wins AND Fails
Module 10-5: Build a Team Identity
Module 10-6: Nurture Your Rebels
Module 10-7: Conduct Team Audits
Module 10-8: The Power of Storytelling
Module 10-9: The Right Spectacle is Useful
Module 10-10: Play Dumb Selectively
Module 10-11: Seem Effortless, Not Perfect
Module 10-12: Master the Art of Timing
Module 10-13: Understanding Influence
Module 10-14: Stay Balanced
Module 11: The Project Manager to Executive Pathway
Module 11-1: A Career in Leadership Starts Now (11:56)
Module 11-2: A Deeper Understanding of Yourself
Module 11-3: What Got You Here Won't Get You There
Module 11-4: No One Succeeds Alone
Module 12: Know When to Stop (Now.)
Module 12-1: Stick the Landing (21:08)
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Module 2-2: Getting Ready
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